| | Lang25 Vocabulary and the Unish Wordlist So far as the choice of vocabulary is concerned, the only sure criterion is current "global" usage, as in "international" words such as 'otel, taksi, bank, telefon etc.. Yes, many of these words are "English", but so they should be according to the "global pidgin" theory. This says that, since every historically-successful pidgin has been mainly based upon the language of the corresponding commercial power, so the "global pidgin" should be largely based upon the language of the still globally-dominant English-speaking peoples. In my former website I suggested a number of additional criteria for vocabulary selection. Unish has also produced a useful list. I have copied both lists on to a single page here I have attempted to inaugurate a core vocabulary limited by Ogden's "Basic English" list. Further contributions are welcome and will be acknowledged. This page is now here As stated on their "Lexicon" page, Unish have always endeavoured to find the word common to the most languages, with regard to brevity, etymology and a few other factors. Their orthography is the same as English except that [c] = /ts/ as in German, [g] is always plosive (hard), and [j] is /dzh/ as in English. The fact that the Unish process of selection has culminated in a mostly English or English-derived wordlist seems to be further confirmation of the LangX theory. Quite often the Unish list presents two alternative words: usually one English and the other non-English. Due to the great preponderance of English words, the non-English word has always been chosen in this case. Where two non-English alternatives are presented the first has been chosen. The list below contains the minority of non-English words, together with a few English-derived words, which are included to illustrate the Unish approach to abbreviation and orthography. Many common English words containing [th] are retained in Unish, except that [th] is replaced by [d] or [t], depending upon whether the sound is voiceless or voiced: thus "that, both, theater" become "dat, bod, teater". Thanks to Jens Wilkinson for identifying most of the words. He adds: (1) In the cases where I put a J after the word, I definitely know it's Japanese. However, there are words that are spelled the same in Japanese and Korean, so some of them may be both Korean and Japanese. (2) I don't know Korean, but I can guess pretty well, so I think my guesses on Korean are pretty accurate, though they can't be trusted 100%. The same goes with Chinese. In cases where I was confident, I just added a K or M, but in cases where I wasn't sure I put a question after the letter. If I get a chance, I can go through them some more. I'm hoping, though, that with the mulivo project started by Risto, we can get a good resource for finding words from different languages. J = Japanese, K = Korean, E = English, F = French, G = German, S = Spanish, I = Italian, M = Mandarin, H = Hindi absence buzai K abundant fengfu M accident sago ? accomplish dadao M account konto (probably a shortened version of account) accumulate tameru J ache tong M achieve iruda K? acknowledge rekon (reckon!) acorn dotori K acquire eru J add jia M afraid haipa M afterwards ihu M again zai M against anti (Latin, I guess, like in antinuclear) agree doi J ailment bing M? alley gari almost qasi (quasi!) aloud laut G already deja F although daga J alive viv (Latin?) always imer G among (between etc.) inter (Latin?) ancestor sonzo K ancient antik (antique, French?) and e F any eni E ankle tobil K? antecedant shian M? anticipate prever L? apology(gise) skusa (a shortened from of excuse?) apparatus gigu K? apple seb H appoint nomer F? arithmetic sansu J around um ascend subir K? ascertain sert (a shortened form of ascertain?) ashamed hont F ass asno astonish eston (a shortened form of astonish?) at a F atmosphere degi K? attempt tentar F attract atir F (attirer) auction okso (probably a foreign pronuncation of English) aunt tia S authority genri K? automobile oto ("auto") autumn aki J average mezzo (Latin or Greek?, as in mezozoic) avoid evit F (eviter) awake okiru J aware konsia (L? conscious) ax ono J backbone spina L? bald kalvo S banister rampe bare nud ("nude") barely apen barley bori bath bano S be es S beach playa S bead bizu (J pronunciation of English, I think) beak buri bear (urs.) gom K beard barb F?S beast bete F beauty belo I because koz E (I guess it's American English, I like it "coz it's sweet") become naru J behind dera belongings averi below sub L? (submarine) between inter L bird tori J birth nasim born nasin L? (as in "nativity") bitter amar S? black hei blackboard heiban M (I think "hei" is Chinese) blackmail shantaz (I'm guessing Arabic) blacksmith fabro blade lame F blame vina bleak kalt blister blase board ban J (K?) body badi E bone os L? borrow jie M bough ramo bowel jang brain nao M bread pan I breakdown falo breakfast acim K? breath sum breathe spiro bride sposa - bridegroom sposo bridge pont F bright (lum.) liang brother bruder G brown braun G bull toro S - cow tore burden jirn butterfly nabi K by de J candle cho care soin F cast (?) gips (This is the word for a cast you put on a broken arm. It's used in Japanese, and I think it's from Dutch) castle shiro J catch zua M caterpillar campi cause riyu J cease yamu J ceiling teto ceremony shik K chair izu J - armchair amizu chalk gis chamber bang chasm abism (from abyss?) cheek jia M? child ai - childhood aidai circle yuan M? cloth bu cloud yun M? cloudy nube coast kosta S cod tara J comb kushi J comprehend kapir I? compromise tushi K? concern kanshin J conquer zengfu M? consequence keka J consider kaolu conversation daiwa K? correct ret cough tos S? counterfeit izo K? countryside rus courage yuki J cow tore - bull toro crawl rampi cricket grilo crisis wigi K? crowd gunjon K? cucumber kukmo K currency tonho K? cycle siklo S damage sonhe M? dangerous wigi K/M? dare gan daughter fila - son filo dawn alba day di deaf sord declare senon decoration jansi deed koi deeply shen deer veado defeat ying descendant Jason K detergent seje device sochi J dew ros dictionary motbuk F &E die mori - dead mort F digest soha disadvantage buli K/M? discussion tolon disease maladi F display zansi distance gori dream meng dragon lon draw (art) tir drop luo duck ori duty-free mense K? dwell zu each ge early zao M earth tera I earthquake jisin K? (In Japanese it's "jishin") Easter paska eel angula eggplant gaji eight ot either idso element voso J eleven tenun empty vago engineer giso K? equivalent dodo essay gisa essence benzi essential benzi evil malo S exact zus examination josa K? excavate kavar (from cave?) excellent usu excess choga exchange kohan K? exclamation gamtan K? exclude baije exercise undong expect gidai experiment sigen expert jonmun expire mangi explain somin explode popa explore tangen exposure rochu extent bani extinguish sio extra yobun extravagant ranbi exuberant fengfu eye ojo eyelash sil eyelid nunbro fable guwa face kao J facility siso fact sasi factor yoin J factory gonjan faculty jainen fail sibai K? fairy feo fame famo family gajo famous vumen farmer nobu fascinate mihuo father pa fatigue piro fear dar fee bosu feel sentir F fertile dasan few poko fiction sosol figure suzi finger dito (contraction of digito? fingerprint jimun K first unme fisherman obu five pent fixed befix flag ki flaw kizu J flesh rou M floor maru flour farin F flower flor S fool(ish) bobo forearm ude forehead ima foreigner weguin former antes fossil hasi found jedan four sa freedom jiyu frequent lusi Friday goldi friend ami F fright kyofu J frog rana frozen leto function funso furniture kagu J gambling tobo garage jako gather jihe generation side giant goin girl nina S gloves gant F goat kabra S goods guz grandparent zobu K? grape uva grief pena S guilt kulpa S gulf wan J hand mano S handmade sugon harmony joha hatch buha he (she, it) el - they els S headache duton health sant F? healthy genkan hear oir heel eri helicopter helgi high alt S - tall alta L? hippopotamus hama K (they seem to have chosen Korean for a lot of the animal names!) hire koyon hole ana J horror konbu horse uma J hour hora S house haus G how wi however aber G hundred sent L? husband mario - wife maria L I mi E ignorant muji immense goda immigrate iju J - immigrant ijuja important juvo impression insan incident sagen indeed ja inject jusa injury sonsan insect konju instrument kigu J insurance boken K? internal nebu intersect koja investigate josa K? iron fer L island isla S isolate goli issue isu (shortened form of issue?) it el itch zud ivy hera | jewel juya journey jomi judge juji - judgment jugo junction junkso key kle F kitchen kuzin F knee genu F knife dao knot nodo know sab S/L? knowledge zisi lake lago S language lang L? large da last (remaining) dura S late tard S F? launch lansi law lei S lawyer loio leaf ha J league liga leap salta S learn narau J leather koza lEngth longo level supin life vida light lum L? lion leo liver gan lounge salon F luck gluck lung pulmo S manufacture sezo marble marmo I masculine masku material matier F maybe ama K meadow prato I means meso measure mera meat karne I mechanical mashin E medium medi L member membro S mention shuo M mermaid ino military lugun K? miner maino mistake silsu misunderstand ohe moan gemi moon luna I - Monday lunadi monkey saru J monster monstro S month mes S mother ma motion moso mountain mont F mouse maus G moustache sharib mouth ib mud lama muscle muskol museum muze F mushroom mogu M myth mito name nom F nation nara navy hegun near jin neck mog negotiate nego (shortened form of negotiate) neighbor ninju nephew nefo nerve nervo neutral nutro nevertheless sed niece nise nine nov North nord F nose noz E nowadays naudi (nau is from English, di from French?) nurse nurso occupancy janu - occupant januo of ov E once unmal one un F opinion igen opportunity gihe orchard pomar organisation zosi ostrich straus other odro S? - unodro another overseas hewe oyster ostra pail tong pale palid paralysis mabi parent bumo parliament ihe past hou M path gil peace paz S? peach tao M pear pera pearl perla S? pedestrian piedo peninsula bando K? people gens F pepper pepe permanent perma (shortened form of permanent) piece pezo pigeon hato J pineapple ananas F platinum platin playground undojo J plot trama population ingu portion porso position poz premium premi pretty joli F pumpkin zuka puppet pupa purple purpur purse bolsa S queen rani Hindi quite ganz raise lev F range sierra S rare raro L? rather bal raw ro read ler S refrigerator frigo reign tochi J remember jide require yogu responsibility zeren rhinocerous rino rhythm ritmo S right rait riot motin ripe mur river rio S robber robo rotten berot route lu row rang rubber gomu (J, but actually this is originally from gomme, French) sacred sacre F saint san Saturday landi F sauce sous F? saw sega scale lin scared bescar scholar sabio ("know" in Latin?) scissors gawi sculpture jogag sea mer F seal selo seasoning masala H seaweed alga L second (ord.) dume secretary biso security boan see ver seed seme seven sep sew sina shade ombra I share fen M she el sheep yang M sheet situ shore hean shortage buzu shortly sugu shoulder omos shrimp ebi J sick malad F sidewalk bodo sight vista I sightseeing kanko J site sito S six ses skull krani (Latin? As in cranium) sleep dormir S sleeve manka slice feta smooth liso S? snake bem K soap savon F soon skoro sour asida S (acid?) South sud F spear lans (lance) spider arana S Spring bom K sprout brot square sagag squid kalmar I (calamari) stairs scala I stare mirar S stomach wi stream sine straight rekt such tal suitcase valiz F summer ete F sun sol - Sunday soldi swan sisme sweat sudor sword epe F tail koda taste gust S tea cha M teacher ticho (from teacher?) tear(drop) larm F temperature ondo J than dan E that dat E thaw degel theft furt they els thirsty soifa F thorough doro thousand mil L?F? thread filo I throat gola through dru throw pao M tide mare F? tip punt tire taya E together junt S (junto?) tomorrow nedi tongue lingua L tool dogu J tooth dent F tower tor tree namu - K Thursday namudi trouble munje M/K? trousers pantalon F Tuesday firedi turtle turto twelve tendu two du - second dume umbrella usan under sub L (as in submarine) understand wakaru J vibrate vibra (shortened form) view vu village mura J vocabulary voka (shortened form) voice voz L voyage viaje S waist yao walk zou M warn avis F warehouse soko J waste nangbi M? water aqa L - Wednesday aqadi waterfall pogpo watermelon arbuz wave ola way lu we mis weak ruo wealth jesan M/K? wear foro Wednesday aqadi weed zaso J weep naku J weigh pes - weight peso S welfare benes well bien F whale balen F wheat grano L? (grain) wheel roda white &nbp; blan F (?) who wu whole todo S why we wire waio witch manu with wid wizard mago wolf lobo S wool lana world mond F worth kachi K,J wrinkle ruga write kaku J year an F yellow yelo E you du, dus (pl.) zeal zelo |
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